Business owners are all up on their toes in exhausting all efforts to save up on utility bills and other expenses in order to keep their business afloat and profitable. Wise ones make use of a scrolling LED sign to make their messages eye catching. Great advertising usually comes at a steep price, but not when you’re using energy-efficient LED Signs.
Dreaming to make your home attractive but budget-friendly? The U.S. Department of Energy has got some tips for you in their Energy Savers Booklet. Here are a couple of ways on how you can start saving energy and money for your home:
- Programmable thermostats are great. This versatile instrument can adjust the temperature within in your home to keep warm and cozy during winter or cold when summer comes along. Since it’s flexible, you’ll have better control not only of electrical consumption but also utility bill amounts.
- When choosing light bulbs, opt for LEDs or compact fluorescent ones label with an ENERGY STAR
- Doing chores manually can save you a ton. Instead of using the dishwasher’s dryer, just allow the air to dry them out. This tip can also work for clothes. Hang a clothes line in your backyard if the space allows it.
- Power strips can help regulate the electrical consumption of appliances on stand by. You got that right – even appliances on standby mode consume electricity. To avoid paying for electricity you didn’t use, conveniently turn off power strips and start saving.
- If it’s not too cold, turn down the thermostat of your water heater to 120F
- Warm long baths are always wonderful after a full day. But if it’s not necessary, opt for short frequent showers instead of long baths to save on water.
- When it comes to washing clothes and dishes, makes sure to make it a one time big time affair. Gather everything that needs to be washed before starting. Cleaning them together will not only save you time but soap as well.
- Start exercising your thumb. Landscaping your backyard or growing a couple of trees back there can help provide shade for your home. Trees can generally make home temperature cooler by catching all the sunlight before it even reaches your home. This can certainly lessen your need for air conditioning units. You can also expect a cleaner and cooler breeze with plants around.
Do you live in an Earth-friendly home?
I’d love to know how manage a full functional home that Mother Earth loves. Hit me up with your experiences, tips and comments below.