When it comes to creating a successful jewelry display, you have to be open to trying out anything that can help you make the display a success. Making a successful display isn’t easy. You have to try various methods, get different display materials and even try using other display ideas to help your jewelry sell better to your customers. If you don’t take the chance to try new things for your display, you might end up at the back of every other jewelry store in the business. You need to be updated on what looks good and what doesn’t. Besides using appropriate display equipment to give your booth some life, you also need to be aware of some display tips that can help with your booth’s success.

Here are some display tips that can help you sell more jewelry to your customers.
Use uniformity - When you display a collection of jewelry in one place, it allows a customer to see it in various colors. Instead of arranging your jewelry by color or by set, you can also arrange the jewelry by its similarity. If you have a collection of the same type of bracelet, place them all in one display equipment. You can use a string or yarn to hold them all in one place. Otherwise, you can use platforms to showcase them in various heights. Uniformity allows a customer to distinguish what they want in jewelry. They can easily see which colors stands out and will be able to choose which one they want to buy.

Use different kinds of fabrics - In order to attract the attention of your customers, you need to make your jewelry stand out. The jewelry has to be able to call onto the customers so that they are enticed to come and take a closer look. Besides the use of jewelry display, you can also take advantage of different kinds of fabrics. Cloth is a very good backdrop for displaying jewelry. But that’s not their only advantage. Cloth can help to give your jewelry a push when it comes to attracting customers. Besides the ordinary cloth that you could’ve gotten from your bed sheets or curtains, you can also use special types of cloth like silk, weaved and even printed or sheer fabric. Simple as they might be, they can help to highlight your jewelry. Be creative and use different kinds of cloth for your jewelry. Mix and match to see which fabric works well with what jewelry.

Use colors - Another major factor that can help in giving your display a boost is the colors of your jewelry. Because jewelry is available in a variety of colors, why don’t you allow it to boost one another? Use your display equipment as well. Before you can mix and match which display equipment will showcase the jewelry, you should know which colors go well with one another. For example, if you place a colorful necklace over a black platform, you can easily highlight the colors of the jewelry.
Have you tried using these tips in showcasing your jewelry?