Huwebes, Setyembre 27, 2012

How to Be Happiest Unemployed Person on the Planet

Losing your job is the best thing that could ever happen to you. Celebrate your freedom from the work force and be a slob! That last few words surely didn’t sound stellar – but admit it, you could use some time away to figure out your life. Though it’s off the record or any human resource books, this is a great way to boost your career.

human resource books

Well, losing your source of income might seem as miserable as the Great Depression if you have student loans, mortgage and other bills to pay with little money left on your bank account. But think of all the free time that you’ll have. Not to mention the voluntary freedom from the office politics and you’re your rat hole cubicle that you’ve been secretly despising for some time now.

Online College Courses shared a hefty list of things anyone can do while off the job. They offered 100 on how to be productive while on a down time. And I must, they have a pretty good list out there. But I enjoy doing things differently. Thanks to their list, I’ve created my own step-by-step plan on how to be the happiest unemployed individual on the planet.

online college course

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Clean Up If you’ve been in that job for more than half a year, there’s certainly much to clean up before you leave. Start by cleaning all those scratch papers, emails and other forms of messages that are irrelevant now that you’re not connected with the company anymore. Then, start cleaning out your system. Yes – you got that right. Rid yourself of all the hate and negativity that you’ve been able to muster up in this unpleasant event. Clean up your act. Leave (or throw) anything that wouldn’t help you to move forward into a better state.

• Exercise to get in shape
• End your resentment by mediating and learn to think positively
• Clean or redecorate your home
• Stay involved in your industry by attending networking events
• Learn from your mistakes

2. Plan Ahead Though it may sound appealing, you can’t be unemployed forever. Money doesn’t grow on trees man, no matter how hard you wish for them to do so. Always remember that sooner or later you’ll have to end this extended vacation of yours and start earning a living. You have to be that responsible adult that you are and provide for yourself and your family. Earning a living doesn’t necessarily mean going back to a 9 to 5 job. You may opt to start your business, work as a freelance or offer your expertise as a consultant. No matter what you choose, make sure that you’ll be clear about it and take suitable measures to attain your newly set goals.

• Rethink and reestablish your personal and professional goals 
• Learn new skills related to what you intend to do 
• Pick up a new hobby or study a new language 
• Increase your value as an employee by attending courses, getting certifications or going back to school for a post graduate degree 
• Make plans for your retirement

3. Take Risks You’ve figured out what to do huh? So why are you still lounging on your couch? Take that leap of faith and start reaching your dreams. I know it’s easier said than done but you have to take the first step. What do you have to lose – you’ve already lost your job right? But kidding aside, don’t be afraid to try out things that are new to you. Now is the time.

• Volunteer for a charity or promote a cause that you believe in 
• Put up your own business 
• Start on a different career 
• Go out and meet new people to maintain a social life 
• Face your fears and change bad habits

Being unemployed is not that miserable. After all, this could be that one opportunity that you’ve been waiting for that could turn your life around. Embrace the uncertainty and change for the better to move your career and life forward.

Still not sure what to do? Check out Online College Courses’ 100 Smart Ways to Invest Your Time When Unemployed."


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